Thursday, April 2, 2009

GSU publishes first quarterly newsletter

GFC's sister organization, Graduate Students United (GSU), recently released its first quarterly newsletter, GSU News. It opens with the following paragraph:
The first issue of GSU News appears in the wake of massive budget cuts announced by the U of C administration. Talk of change is everywhere - but change for whom and according to what priorities? GSU is still celebrating the victory of major wage increases last summer, but our situation remains precarious, given high fees and inadequate health insurance. There is still a long way to go in our organizing efforts. To raise consciousness about graduate student labor and GSU's work, we've put together this newsletter for our members and for the campus at large.

GSU News reports on the state of campus labor, the national effects of economic crisis, our unanswered 2008 petition to the administration, and other university news. It also contains a poem, a story, a survey of GSU members, and a personal tale of organizing.

GSU News can now be download it from GSU's website; for a paper copy, just ask a GSU organizer or email GSU.

1 comment:

Jayesh said...

I thank you for taking the initiative. I went through your online posts and would like to add a point regarding the international students. The pay related problems attached with the teaching assistantships or any university employment that native graduate students face are even worse for the international graduate students since they are not allowed to work outside the university and not allowed to work for more than 20 hours per week. With these restrictions the university further takes advantage of international graduate students.
Would be great if you could forward these issues to provost that international graduate students face.

Thank you